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The best browser detection solution in ASP.NET 4.0


I googled this topic and I came across with three different ways to configure browser capabilities: browscap.ini, browserCaps element in web.config and .browser files in App_Browsers. I thought .browser files is the latest way, but I don't seem to find up-to-date files. But I found quite fresh browscap.ini from http://browsers.garykeith.com/downloads.asp.

My first priority is to exclude common crawlers from the visitor stats. The second priority is to detect browser and os with correct versions (e.g. Opera 11 / Win7).

Are there any libraries I could use? Is browscap.ini still a valid way and is it possible to use it without access to system files? Where can I find up-to-date .browser files?

like image 712
Mike Koder Avatar asked Mar 04 '11 09:03

Mike Koder

1 Answers

more info : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3yekbd5b.aspx Have you checked this :

    System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;
    string s = "Browser Capabilities\n"
        + "Type = "                    + browser.Type + "\n"
        + "Name = "                    + browser.Browser + "\n"
        + "Version = "                 + browser.Version + "\n"
        + "Major Version = "           + browser.MajorVersion + "\n"
        + "Minor Version = "           + browser.MinorVersion + "\n"
        + "Platform = "                + browser.Platform + "\n"
        + "Is Beta = "                 + browser.Beta + "\n"
        + "Is Crawler = "              + browser.Crawler + "\n"
        + "Is AOL = "                  + browser.AOL + "\n"
        + "Is Win16 = "                + browser.Win16 + "\n"
        + "Is Win32 = "                + browser.Win32 + "\n"
        + "Supports Frames = "         + browser.Frames + "\n"
        + "Supports Tables = "         + browser.Tables + "\n"
        + "Supports Cookies = "        + browser.Cookies + "\n"
        + "Supports VBScript = "       + browser.VBScript + "\n"
        + "Supports JavaScript = "     + 
            browser.EcmaScriptVersion.ToString() + "\n"
        + "Supports Java Applets = "   + browser.JavaApplets + "\n"
        + "Supports ActiveX Controls = " + browser.ActiveXControls 
              + "\n"
        + "Supports JavaScript Version = " +
            browser["JavaScriptVersion"] + "\n";

    TextBox1.Text = s;
like image 192
Pranay Rana Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Pranay Rana