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The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values

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Does the Access-Control allow Origin header contains multiple values?

This can also happen of course if you've actually set your Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to have multiple values - For example, a comma separated list of values, which is kind of supported in the RFC but isn't actually supported by most major browsers.

How do I allow multiple domains in Access-Control allow origin?

Sounds like the recommended way to do it is to have your server read the Origin header from the client, compare that to the list of domains you would like to allow, and if it matches, echo the value of the Origin header back to the client as the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response.

What should be the value of Access-Control allow origin?

Access-Control-Allow-Origin specifies either a single origin which tells browsers to allow that origin to access the resource; or else — for requests without credentials — the " * " wildcard tells browsers to allow any origin to access the resource.

I added

config.EnableCors(new EnableCorsAttribute(Properties.Settings.Default.Cors, "", ""))

as well as


on the server. This results in two header entries. Just use the latter one and it works.

We ran into this problem because we had set up CORS according to best practice (e.g. http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/security/enabling-cross-origin-requests-in-web-api) AND ALSO had a custom header <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*"/> in web.config.

Remove the web.config entry, and all is well.

Contrary to @mww's answer, we still have EnableCors() in the WebApiConfig.cs AND an EnableCorsAttribute on the controller. When we took out one or the other, we ran into other issues.

I'm using Cors, after much headache, I discovered the issue to be duplicated Access-Control-Allow-Origin & Access-Control-Allow-Header headers from the server

Removed config.EnableCors() from the WebApiConfig.cs file and just set the [EnableCors("*","*","*")] attribute on the Controller class

Check this article for more detail.

Add to Register WebApiConfig

var cors = new EnableCorsAttribute("*", "*", "*");

Or web.config

<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true" />