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TFS: Why there are Pending changes from multiple projects



i have a Team Project and under this Team Project there are multiple visual studions solutions. each solution contain multiple projects.

while working on a solution , in pending changes it shows me files from other solutions as well which are checked out to me.... this is wrong.. it have to show only changes related to current solution. why it is showing me changes from all solutions.??

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Mohsan Avatar asked Nov 19 '09 10:11


People also ask

How do I get rid of pending changes in TFS?

To undo all changes you have made in your solution or a code project, open the context menu, and then choose Undo Pending Change. In the Undo Pending Changes dialog box, make sure the changes you want to undo are selected, and then choose Undo Changes.

How do I see pending changes in TFS?

Select that folder in TFS explorer and right click. you will see the option "Checkin Pending changes.." Show activity on this post. In the team explorer open up the source control tab, then right click on the route folder and select Check in Pending Changes.

What are excluded changes in TFS?

They're not loaded in your current solution, so Team Explorer assumes they're made as part of either a different solution and that you don't want to check them in together with the changes that do match the context you're in.

2 Answers

There is a button to the right of the list of buttons in the pending changes window that looks like a solution item - when this is highlighted it should only shows items for the current solution. Sometimes you have to refresh to show the correct items.

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cjk Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10


Just an update for Visual Studio 2012: The button mentioned above appears to have been moved to a filter drop down beneath Included Changes / Excluded Changes. Hit the dropdown and change "Show All" to "Show Solution Changes."

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WDO Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10