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TFS Build is building multiple configurations despite choosing Release [closed]



When i build (TFS 2012) my 4 solutions with Configurations to build = Any CPU|Release it is building All of them as Release, 2 of them as Debug | Mixed Platforms, and one of them as Debug | Any CPU.

If i set it to release i would like it to only do the release build. Could anyone give me some insight into why it is also doing some debug builds?

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4imble Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 16:03


1 Answers

A few things to check:

  • Have you specified multiple configurations to build in the Build Configuration? In the build configuration, goto the Process tab, then Items to Build -> Configurations to Build.
  • Secondly, review your Solution Configurations. You can get to this through the Build menu within Visual Studio then Configuration Manager. Here you can edit how the projects are supposed to build given a specified solution configuration.


  • If you have customised the build process template then try stripping this back to the Default one and see if the problem persists.
like image 135
gregpakes Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
