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TFS 2012 and VS 2010

I was very excited to hear TFS 2012 made a step towards distributed source control in allowing source code to be modified (without major issues) when TFS is offline.

I currently use a hosted TFS service, so im hopeful the migration to TFS2012 should be painless. At least for me anyway.

So my question is simple, is there such a thing as TFS2012 powertools for VS2010 or is TFS2012 only available for VS2012?

Appreciate your comments.

like image 946
Christo Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 00:06


1 Answers

You can connect to TFS 2012 from VS 2010, but you'll need the compatibility GDR. Local workspaces (which support the improved off-line experience you described) are only supported in VS 2012 since they required significant client changes.

like image 151
Jim Lamb Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10

Jim Lamb