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TFS 2008: Does it come with a license for SQL Server 2008? [closed]

When you buy TFS 2008, you get a license to run SQL Server 2005 as the data repository for TFS.

With SP1 of TFS 2008, SQL Server 2008 is now supported. Does any one know if the TFS 2008 license allows us to install SQL Server 2008 instead of SQL Server 2005?

Are there any advantages using SQL Server 2008 over SQl Server 2005 as the database for TFS 2008 (other than the reduction in pain for a later upgrade)?


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Raj Rao Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 21:01

Raj Rao

1 Answers

There is no license for SQL 2008 and will require a separate license to install. Interestingly enough, if you run your data tier on another server, you require a separate SQL license anyway as if you want to use the SQL license that comes with TFS, it has to run on the application tier.

More info.

From the advantages point, SQL 2008 reporting services is much improved, the general speed and query plan enhancements does make it a viable option and will be more performant.

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Ray Booysen Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 12:01

Ray Booysen