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tf.multiply vs tf.matmul to calculate the dot product


I have a matrix (of vectors) X with shape [3,4], and I want to calculate the dot product between each pair of vectors (X[1].X[1]) and (X[1].X[2])...etc.

I saw a cosine similarity code were they use

tf.reduce_sum(tf.multyply(X, X),axis=1)

to calculate the dot product between the vectors in a matrix of vectors.However, this result in only calculates the dot product between (X[i], X[i]).

I used tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_b=True) which calculate the dot product between every two vectors but I am still confused why tf.multiply didn't do this I think the problem with my code.

the code is:

data=[[1.0,2.0,4.0,5.0],[0.0,6.0,7.0,8.0],[8.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]] X=tf.constant(data) matResult=tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_b=True)  multiplyResult=tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(X,X),axis=1) with tf.Session() as sess:    print('matResult')    print(sess.run([matResult]))    print()    print('multiplyResult')    print(sess.run([multiplyResult])) 

The output is:

matResult [array([[  46.,   80.,   19.],        [  80.,  149.,   21.],        [  19.,   21.,   67.]], dtype=float32)]  multiplyResult  [array([  46.,  149.,   67.], dtype=float32)] 

I would appreciate any advise

like image 656
Abrar Avatar asked Nov 30 '17 22:11


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What does TF multiply do?

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View aliasesTensordot (also known as tensor contraction) sums the product of elements from a and b over the indices specified by axes . This operation corresponds to numpy. tensordot(a, b, axes) . Example 1: When a and b are matrices (order 2), the case axes=1 is equivalent to matrix multiplication.

1 Answers

tf.multiply(X, Y) or the * operator does element-wise multiplication so that:

[[1 2]    [[1 3]      [[1 6]  [3 4]] .  [2 1]]  =   [6 4]] 

wheras tf.matmul does matrix multiplication so that:

[[1 0]    [[1 3]      [[1 3]  [0 1]] .  [2 1]]  =   [2 1]] 

using tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_b=True) means that you are calculating X . X^T where ^T indicates the transposing of the matrix and . is the matrix multiplication.

tf.reduce_sum(_, axis=1) takes the sum along 1st axis (starting counting with 0) which means you are suming the rows:

tf.reduce_sum([[a, b], [c, d]], axis=1) = [a+b, c+d] 

This means that:

tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(X, X), axis=1) = [X[1].X[1], ..., X[n].X[n]] 

so that is the one you want if you only want the norms of each rows. On the other hand:

tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_b=True) = [                                       [ X[1].X[1], X[1].X[2], ..., X[1].X[n] ],                                        [ X[2].X[1], ..., X[2].X[n] ],                                        ...                                       [ X[n].X[1], ..., X[n].X[n] ]                                    ] 

so that is what you need if you want the similarity between all pairs of rows.

like image 164
patapouf_ai Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
