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TextView underline phone number and hyperlink



I've written an app which contains a large textview for displaying notes. Is it possible to have the textview highlight any phone numbers or hyperlinks without underlining the entire view?

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Chris Avatar asked Jun 11 '10 21:06


People also ask

How do you underline text in TextView?

You can define the underlined text in an Android layout XML using a String Resouce XML file. In a string res file you have to use an HTML underline tag <u> </u> .

How do I make a phone number clickable on Android?

You can make a phone number a clickable link that opens a dial dialog on smartphones and mobile devices. To get started, highlight the number and click the Link button. Next, change the Protocol to <other> and paste the phone number into the URL box, with the prefix "tel:+" as shown below. Click OK when finished.

How do you make a string clickable?

tvSubmit. setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod. getInstance()); Spannable sp = (Spannable) tvSubmit. getText(); ClickableSpan click = new ClickableSpan() { @Override public void onClick(View widget) { showLink(); } }; sp.

1 Answers

<TextView     ...    android:autoLink="all" /> 

That's actually enough for you

like image 160
Fedor Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
