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Texture in barplot for 7 bars in R?

I have 7 different categories per each value in X. I am using barplot to plot these categories. Such graph looks fine in colors printer, but what if I want it to be fine in black & white. You can check the graph below. I want to have different colors texture, so the graph looks good in color and black & white printer.

enter image description here

I used densities = c(10,30,40,50,100,60,80) for density parameter in barplot function. Are there any other ways to do different texture in barplot?

Note: I tried the angle value in barplot. However, it isn't a good solution in that case, since not all bars have high values (i.e height of the bar).

like image 828
Yasmin Avatar asked May 28 '14 13:05


People also ask

How do I change the size of a bar in R?

To make the bars narrower or wider, set the width of each bar with the width argument. Larger values make the bars wider, and smaller values make the bars narrower. To add space between bars, specify the space argument. The default value is 0.2.

How do you color Barplots in R?

To set colors for bars in Bar Plot drawn using barplot() function, pass the required color value(s) for col parameter in the function call. col parameter can accept a single value for color, or a vector of color values to set color(s) for bars in the bar plot.

How do I change the order of bars in a barplot in R?

To reorder bars manually, you have to pass stat=”identity” in the geom_bar() function. Example: R.

1 Answers

Along the lines of my comment, you might find the following helpful:

# data generation ---------------------------------------------------------
mat <- matrix(runif(4*7, min=0, max=10), 7, 4)
rownames(mat) <- 1:7
colnames(mat) <- LETTERS[1:4]

# plotting settings -------------------------------------------------------
ylim <- range(mat)*c(1,1.5)
angle1 <- rep(c(45,45,135), length.out=7)
angle2 <- rep(c(45,135,135), length.out=7)
density1 <- seq(5,35,length.out=7)
density2 <- seq(5,35,length.out=7)
col <- 1 # rainbow(7)

# plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
op <- par(mar=c(3,3,1,1))
barplot(mat, beside=TRUE, ylim=ylim, col=col, angle=angle1, density=density1)
barplot(mat, add=TRUE, beside=TRUE, ylim=ylim, col=col, angle=angle2, density=density2)
legend("top", legend=1:7, ncol=7, fill=TRUE, col=col, angle=angle1, density=density1)
legend("top", legend=1:7, ncol=7, fill=TRUE, col=col, angle=angle2, density=density2)

enter image description here

like image 69
Marc in the box Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Marc in the box