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text wordcloud plotting error




I have the following code for plotting a word cloud, and am getting the subsequent error.

wordcloud(dm$word, dm$freq, scale=c(8,.2),min.freq=2,
+           max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=rainbow

>Warning message:
In wordcloud(dm$word, dm$freq, scale = c(8, 0.2), min.freq = 2,:health insurance could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted. Unable to view plot.

I do not understand why this is happening. Please help.

like image 723
Sridevi Vadapalli Avatar asked Jan 16 '15 10:01

Sridevi Vadapalli

People also ask

Could not be fit on page it will not be plotted wordcloud?

Try adjusting the scale option scale=c(4, . 5) in the wordcloud function, using a max size smaller than 4 may allow the words to fit on the page.

What is word cloud plot?

A visualisation method that displays how frequently words appear in a given body of text, by making the size of each word proportional to its frequency. All the words are then arranged in a cluster or cloud of words.

What package is wordcloud in R?

The procedure of creating word clouds is very simple in R if you know the different steps to execute. The text mining package (tm) and the word cloud generator package (wordcloud) are available in R for helping us to analyze texts and to quickly visualize the keywords as a word cloud.

What is wordcloud in nlp?

Word Cloud is a data visualization technique used for representing text data in which the size of each word indicates its frequency or importance. Significant textual data points can be highlighted using a word cloud. Word clouds are widely used for analyzing data from social network websites.

1 Answers

You may also try plotting with a larger device, for example

dev.new(width = 1000, height = 1000, unit = "px")

see the link for other ways to plot a certain size.

like image 143
qwr Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 21:10
