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testng fails to load test classes from ant

I'm trying to run TestNG tests from Ant. After reading the manual, I came up with:

<taskdef name="testng" classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask" classpath="../../lib/testng-6.8.1.jar"/>
<target name="testng" depends="compile-tests" description="Run testng test suite">      

<fileset id="mixed.tests" dir="${bin.main}">
    <include name="**/*Test.*"/>

<testng mode="mixed" classfilesetref="mixed.tests" 
    failureProperty="tests.failed" outputdir="/tmp/report">
        <fileset dir="../../lib" includes="*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="../../java/bin/" includes="**/*.class"/>
    <fileset dir="/home/y/lib/jars" excludes="junit*jar,messagebus-disc-parent.jar" includes="**/*.jar" description="all jars installed by dependent pacakges" />

When I run it it fails with:

   [testng] 'org.testng.TestNG'
   [testng] '@/tmp/testng8260935716887369607'
   [testng] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
   [testng] not part of the command.
   [testng] Exception in thread "main" org.testng.TestNGException:
   [testng] Cannot load class from file: /home/adamatan/SOME_PATH_THAT_EXISTS/functional/EnforceBasicFilteringTest.class
   [testng]     at org.testng.internal.ClassHelper.fileToClass(ClassHelper.java:600)
   [testng]     at org.testng.TestNG.configure(TestNG.java:1393)
   [testng]     at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(TestNG.java:1354)
   [testng]     at org.testng.TestNG.main(TestNG.java:1333)
   [testng] The tests failed.

What I've already tried:

Files and permissions:


  • Appears in the classpath printout (it's very long, so I don't put it here).
  • Is created by the compile target, so it is non-empty, and ant can read its contents.
  • ls -l-ing the file gives -rw-r--r-- 1 adamatan users 4548 Nov 21 12:19

mode type:

Tried both testng mode="testng" and testng mode="mixed". Both failed with the same error.

Why can't testng read this valid class file that was just created?

like image 290
Adam Matan Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 12:11

Adam Matan

1 Answers

The same problem was solved for me by adding to the classpath the directory where tests themselves are located (looks like it's ${bin.main} in your case).

like image 75
Tagir Valeev Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09

Tagir Valeev