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Testing recurring payments in the Paypal sandbox

I've read this post, and this one, and I didn't find my solution.

I'm trying to test the recurring payments using the Paypal Standard payment system. The problem is that the minumum frequency period for recurring payments is 1 day (1D). And this is a too long time to test correctly.

I read this article saying that if you setup the period to 1D in the sandbox, the call to the IPN is done each minute, but I was unable to make it work.

Do you know any way to have full control to test the recurring payments?

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Daniel Peñalba Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 11:06

Daniel Peñalba

People also ask

How do I check my recurring payments on PayPal?

Log in to your PayPal Business or Premier account at www.paypal.com. Click Tools > All Tools at the top of the page, and then select Recurring Payments from the Tools page. The Recurring payments dashboard opens.

Does PayPal allow for recurring payments?

Use PayPal Automatic Payments to pay and manage all your recurring bills, monthly subscriptions and even instalment plans, all in one place. Use PayPal Automatic Payments to pay and manage all your recurring bills, monthly subscriptions and even instalment plans, all in one place.

Is sandbox PayPal different from PayPal?

The PayPal sandbox mirrors the features on the PayPal production servers. While some PayPal features do not apply to the sandbox, such as closing an account, issuing monthly statements, storing shipping preferences, and PayPal Shops support, the sandbox has the same PayPal API feature set as the live environment.

2 Answers

As I commented in the accepted answer, it's possible to add fields by editing the HTML via firebug / chrome dev tools to add additional fields to the IPN sent by the IPN simulator. This way you can add the additional fields you require (like recurring_payment_id), which will be sent with the IPN to your specified URL. Once you've added your additional fields, copy the html so you can add it every time you want to use it. I'm considering writing a grease monkey extension (or something) that adds some javascript to the page, allowing for additional IPN types, like those needed for recurring payments.

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Relequestual Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 23:12


One day is the shortest timeframe you can set. You used to be able to test recurring payments that billed every minute, but this was disabled shortly after it was rolled out. What some merchants have done in the past if they did not want to wait the full day was to set up their own IPN simulator, similar to what is currently on the developer.paypal.com site. The difference is that they would set it up to pass over all the recurring payment details. Basically, it was just a form that posted over all of the variables that PayPal would have sent. Otherwise, you would have to wait the full day for the profiles to bill again.

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PP_MTS_Chad Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 00:12