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Testing IOS apps on ios devices made using IONIC and angularJS

I am making an app made using IONIC which I just want to test on my IOS device, not publish it to the app store. Do I still need an Apple developer account ( by paying $99 ) or is MAC with XCODE and IONIC installed enough?

I just want to test it on my device, not publish it to the app store.

like image 386
Rajesh d m Avatar asked Jun 30 '15 09:06

Rajesh d m

1 Answers

Yes it is possible.

I tried this today. Using XCODE 7 beta 2. Tested my project made using IONIC with only APPLIE ID, NOT APPLE DEVELOPER ACCOUNT, and its working.

All you have to do is( for making IONIC projects and installing them on Physical devices without APPLE DEVELOPER ID)

  1. Install XCODE version 7 (currently beta 2)
  2. Install Node JS (update path)
  3. Install Cordova
  4. make an ionic project ( IONIC start yourproject blank)

IOS platform is added by default.

  1. go to platforms/ios folder
  2. there will be a yourproject.xcode file - open it
  3. Connect your device to the MAC
  4. Run your project - if you get any error, XCODE gives the option of fix issue, click on that and your app will be installed on the physical device
like image 135
Rajesh d m Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09

Rajesh d m