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Testing in flutter gives error MediaQuery.of() called with a context that does not contain a MediaQuery

I am trying to test the code for the login page in a flutter. This is the first time for me and I am just following the template provided by them. But whatever widget I try to push gives an error saying MediaQuery.of() called with a context that does not contain a MediaQuery.

I have tried out by pumping different widgets in my app. But each and every widget gives the same error as mentioned above, on the other hand, my app is working fine on the device but while testing it gives the error for just pumping the widget.

await tester.pumpWidget(Login());

and Login page is simple Scaffold with appbar and body.

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Hardik Modi Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 12:12

Hardik Modi

1 Answers

Add this helper method :

 Widget buildTestableWidget(Widget widget) {
   return MediaQuery(data: MediaQueryData(), child: MaterialApp(home: widget));

Then you can use inside your Test:

 await tester.pumpWidget(buildTestableWidget(Login()));
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diegoveloper Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 10:01
