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Testing for the expected exception message with junit 5

I have a project where I have tests where I deliberately cause a problem and then verify the code responds the way I want it. For this I want to be sure the exceptions not only are the right class but they must also carry the right message.

So in one of my existing (junit 4) tests I have something similar to this:

public class MyTests {
  public final ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();

  public void testLoadingResourcesTheBadWay(){
    expectedEx.expectMessage(allOf(startsWith("Unable to load "), endsWith(" resources.")));

I'm currently looking into fully migrating to junit 5 which no longer supports the @Rule and now has the assertThrows that seems to replace this.

What I have not been able to figure out how to write a test that not only checks the exception(class) that is thrown but also the message attached to that exception.

What is the proper way to write such a test in Junit 5?

like image 882
Niels Basjes Avatar asked Sep 30 '19 08:09

Niels Basjes

People also ask

How do I expect an exception in JUnit 5?

In JUnit 5, to write the test code that is expected to throw an exception, we should use Assertions. assertThrows(). In the given test, the test code is expected to throw an exception of type ApplicationException or its subtype. Note that in JUnit 4, we needed to use @Test(expected = NullPointerException.

How do you write an expected exception in JUnit?

When using JUnit 4, we can simply use the expected attribute of the @Test annotation to declare that we expect an exception to be thrown anywhere in the annotated test method. In this example, we've declared that we're expecting our test code to result in a NullPointerException.

How do you test exception handling in JUnit?

Create a java class file named TestRunner. java in C:\>JUNIT_WORKSPACE to execute test case(s). Compile the MessageUtil, Test case and Test Runner classes using javac. Now run the Test Runner, which will run the test cases defined in the provided Test Case class.

How do I test exceptions in JUnit 4?

JUnit 4 Assert Exception Message If we want to test exception message, then we will have to use ExpectedException rule.

2 Answers

Since Assertions.assertThrows returns instance of your exception you can invoke getMessage on the returned instance and make assertions on this message :

Executable executable = () -> sut.method(); //prepare Executable with invocation of the method on your system under test

Exception exception = Assertions.assertThrows(MyCustomException.class, executable); // you can even assign it to MyCustomException type variable
assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), "exception message"); //make assertions here
like image 161
Michał Krzywański Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Michał Krzywański

Thanks to @michalk and one of my colleagues this works:

Exception expectedEx = assertThrows(MyCustomException.class, () ->
assertTrue(expectedEx.getMessage().startsWith("Unable to load "));
assertTrue(expectedEx.getMessage().endsWith(" resources."));
like image 6
Niels Basjes Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Niels Basjes