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Testing click event in React Testing Library

Here is a simple subcomponent that reveals an answer to a question when the button is clicked:

const Question = ({ question, answer }) => {
    const [showAnswer, setShowAnswer] = useState(false)
    return (
                    <h2 data-testid="question">{question}</h2>
                    <button onClick={() => setShowAnswer(!showAnswer)}>
                            !showAnswer ? <FiPlusCircle /> : <FiMinusCircle />
                   showAnswer && <p data-testid="answer">{answer}</p>

export default Question;

I am trying to test that when the button is clicked, the onClick attached is called once and the a <p> element appears on the screen:

const onClick = jest.fn()

test('clicking the button toggles an answer on/off', () => {
    render(<Question />);
    const button = screen.getByRole('button')



RTL says that onClick is not called at all (in the UI it is, as the result is as expected)

Also, if I want to test that this button really toggles the answer element (message should come on and off) how would I test for that?

If I add another fireEvent.click() to the test (simulating the second click on the button which should trigger the answer element off), and add


RTL will just not find that element (which is good, I guess, it means it has been really toggled off the DOM). What assertion would you use for this test to pass for that case?

like image 680
Adam Avatar asked Feb 04 '21 09:02


People also ask

How will you test the Button component in react testing library?

You'll need to render your component in order to test it. You then access the button after which you simulate a button click, and then eventually expect your change to occur. The testing library has a function named userEvent which can simulate a button click.

Should I use userEvent or fireEvent?

The answer to this question is easy: we should always try to use userEvent over fireEvent whenever we are able to, except in very specific situations. Those exepctions can be scenarios in which some of those events inside the interaction chain make impossible to test correctly the logic we want to test.

1 Answers

Couple of issues with your approach.

First, creating an onClick mock like that won't mock your button's onClick callback. The callback is internal to the component and you don't have access to it from the test. What you could do instead is test the result of triggering the onClick event, which in this case means verifying that <FiMinusCircle /> is rendered instead of <FiPlusCircle />.

Second, p is not a valid role - RTL tells you which roles are available in the DOM if it fails to find the one you searched for. The paragraph element doesn't have an inherent accessibility role, so you're better off accessing it by its content with getByText instead.

Here's an updated version of the test:

test('clicking the button toggles an answer on/off', () => {
    render(<Question question="Is RTL great?" answer="Yes, it is." />);
    const button = screen.getByRole('button')
    // Here you'd want to test if `<FiMinusCircle />` is rendered.
    expect(/* something from FiMinusCircle */).toBeInTheDocument()
    expect(screen.getByText('Yes, it is.')).toBeInTheDocument()
    // Here you'd want to test if `<FiPlusCircle />` is rendered.
    expect(/* something from FiPlusCircle */).toBeInTheDocument();
    expect(screen.queryByText('Yes, it is.')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
like image 122
juliomalves Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10
