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Testing asynchronous call in unit test in iOS

I am facing a problem while unit testing an asynchronous call in iOS. (Although it is working fine in view controllers.)

Has anyone faced this issue before? I have tried using a wait function but I'm still facing the same problem.

Please suggest an example of a good way to do this.

like image 859
Bablu Joshi Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 06:03

Bablu Joshi

People also ask

What is the test method to test an asynchronous operation in XCTest?

To test asynchronous code, we use the XCTestExpectation class and wait for the expected outcome. The workflow is to create an expectation, and then when the asynchronous task completes successfully, we fulfil that expectation. We will wait for a specific amount of time for the expectation to be fulfilled.

Can unit tests be async?

Unlike async void unit tests that are quite complicated, you can have async Task unit tests, i.e., unit tests that return a Task instance. Almost all the unit test frameworks (MSTest, NUnit, etc.) provide support for such unit tests.

Do jest tests run asynchronously?

It's common in JavaScript for code to run asynchronously. When you have code that runs asynchronously, Jest needs to know when the code it is testing has completed, before it can move on to another test.

What does asynchronous test mean?

Asynchronous is an online environment where interaction does not take place at the same time, while a synchronous environment provides real time learning. While both have advantages and disadvantages, asynchronous is more widely used in administering assessments.

1 Answers

you can use async api calling in swift like this

private let serverCommunicationManager : ServerCommunicationManager = {
    let instance = ServerCommunicationManager()
    return instance

var expectation:XCTestExpectation?
func testAsyncApiCall()  {
    expectation = self.expectation(description: "async request")

    let header = ["Authorization":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImQ4MmY1MTcxNzI4YTA5MjI3NWIzYWI3OWNkOTZjMGExOTI4MmM2NDEyZjMyYWQzM2ZjMzY4NmU2MjlhOWY2YWY1NGE0MDI4MmZiNzY2NWQ3In0.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiZDgyZjUxNzE3MjhhMDkyMjc1YjNhYjc5Y2Q5NmMwYTE5MjgyYzY0MTJmMzJhZDMzZmMzNjg2ZTYyOWE5ZjZhZjU0YTQwMjgyZmI3NjY1ZDciLCJpYXQiOjE1MDg4MjU1NTEsIm5iZiI6MTUwODgyNTU1MSwiZXhwIjoxNTQwMzYxNTUxLCJzdWIiOiIiLCJzY29wZXMiOltdfQ.osoMQgiY7TY7fFrh5r9JRQLQ6AZhIuEbrIvghF0VH4wmkqRUE6oZWjE5l0jx1ZpXsaYUhci6EDngnSTqs1tZwFTQ3srWxdXns2R1hRWUFkAN0ri32W0apywY6BrahdtiVZa9LQloD1VRMT1_QUnljMXKsLX36gXUsNGU6Bov689-bCbugK6RC3n4LjFRqJ3zD9gvkRaODuOQkqsNlS50b5tLm8AD5aIB4jYv3WQ4-1L74xXU0ZyBTAsLs8LOwvLB_2B9Qdm8XMP118h7A_ddLo9Cyw-WqiCZzeZPNcCvjymNK8cfli5_LZBOyjZT06v8mMqg3zszWzP6jOxuL9H1JjBF7WrPpz23m7dhEwa0a-t3q05tc1RQRUb16W1WhbRJi1ufdMa29uyhX8w_f4fmWdAnBeHZ960kjCss98FA73o0JP5F0GVsHbyCMO-0GOHxow3-BqyPOsmcDrI4ay006fd-TJk52Gol0GteDgdntvTMIrMCdG2jw8rfosV6BgoJAeRbqvvCpJ4OTj6DwQnV-diKoaHdQ8vHKe-4X7hbYn_Bdfl52gMdteb3_ielcVXIaHmQ-Dw3E2LSVt_cSt4tAHy3OCd7WORDY8uek4Paw8Pof0OiuqQ0EB40xX5hlYqZ7P_tXpm-W-8ucrIIxgpZb0uh-wC3EzBGPjpPD2j9CDo"]
    serverCommunicationManager.sendServerRequest(httpMethodType: .get, baseURL: "", param: nil, header: header) { (isSuccess, msg , response) in
        if isSuccess
            let array = response as! NSArray

            if  array.count == 8
                XCTFail("array count fail")
    waitForExpectations(timeout: 5) { (error) in
        if let error = error{
            XCTFail("waiting with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
like image 112
Pratik Lad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Pratik Lad