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Test if a variable is serializable

I'm looking for an elegant way of testing if a variable is serializable. For example array( function() {} ) will fail to serialize.

I'm currently using the code below, but it seems to be a rather non-optimal way of doing it.

function isSerializable( $var )
    try {
        serialize( $var );
        return TRUE;
    } catch( Exception $e ) {
        return FALSE;

var_dump( isSerializable( array() ) );                // bool(true)
var_dump( isSerializable( function() {} ) );          // bool(false)
var_dump( isSerializable( array( function() {} ) ) ); // bool(false)
like image 786
Kendall Hopkins Avatar asked Apr 25 '11 04:04

Kendall Hopkins

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If you are curious to know if a Java Standard Class is serializable or not, check the documentation for the class. The test is simple: If the class implements java. io. Serializable, then it is serializable; otherwise, it's not.

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You can prevent member variables from being serialized by marking them with the NonSerialized attribute as follows. If possible, make an object that could contain security-sensitive data nonserializable. If the object must be serialized, apply the NonSerialized attribute to specific fields that store sensitive data.

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$data = @unserialize($str); if($data !== false || $str === 'b:0;') echo 'ok'; else echo "not ok"; Correctly handles the case of serialize(false) . :) Show activity on this post.

1 Answers

The alternative could be:

function isSerializable ($value) {
  $return = true;
  $arr = array($value);

  array_walk_recursive($arr, function ($element) use (&$return) {
    if (is_object($element) && get_class($element) == 'Closure') {
      $return = false;

  return $return;

But from comments I think this is what you are looking for:

function mySerialize ($value) {
  $arr = array($value);

  array_walk_recursive($arr, function (&$element) {

    # do some special stuff (serialize closure) ...
    if (is_object($element) && get_class($element) == 'Closure') {
      $serializableClosure = new SerializableClosure($element);
      $element = $serializableClosure->serialize();


  return serialize($arr[0]);
like image 122
luka8088 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
