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Test if a floating point number is an integer


People also ask

How do you check if a number is an integer?

The Number. isInteger() method returns true if a value is an integer of the datatype Number. Otherwise it returns false .

How do you check if a number is an integer or float in Python?

Use the isinstance() function to check if a number is an int or float, e.g. if isinstance(my_num, int): . The isinstance function will return True if the passed in object is an instance of the provided class ( int or float ).

Can float contain integers?

Yes, an integral value can be added to a float value. The basic math operations ( + , - , * , / ), when given an operand of type float and int , the int is converted to float first.

This code works (C# 3)

double d;
if(d == (double)(int)d) ...;
  1. Is there a better way to do this?
  2. For extraneous reasons I want to avoid the double cast so; what nice ways exist other than this? (even if they aren't as good)

Note: Several people pointed out the (important) point that == is often problematic regrading floating point. In this cases I expect values in the range of 0 to a few hundred and they are supposed to be integers (non ints are errors) so if those points "shouldn't" be an issue for me.