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Test for array of string type in TypeScript



People also ask

How do I check if an array is typeof?

isArray() method is used to check if an object is an array. The Array. isArray() method returns true if an object is an array, otherwise returns false . Note: For an array, the typeof operator returns an object.

How do you check if an element is an array of strings?

To check if all elements in array are strings with JavaScript, we can use the array every method and the typeof operator. to define the check function that calls arr. every with a callback that checks of each entry i is a string with typeof .

You cannot test for string[] in the general case but you can test for Array quite easily the same as in JavaScript https://stackoverflow.com/a/767492/390330 (I prefer Array.isArray(value)).

If you specifically want for string array you can do something like:

if (Array.isArray(value)) {
   var somethingIsNotString = false;
      if(typeof item !== 'string'){
         somethingIsNotString = true;
   if(!somethingIsNotString && value.length > 0){

Another option is Array.isArray()

if(! Array.isArray(classNames) ){
    classNames = [classNames]

Here is the most concise solution so far:

function isArrayOfStrings(value: any): boolean {
   return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(item => typeof item === "string");

Note that value.every will return true for an empty array. If you need to return false for an empty array, you should add value.length to the condition clause:

function isNonEmptyArrayOfStrings(value: any): boolean {
    return Array.isArray(value) && value.length && value.every(item => typeof item === "string");

There is no any run-time type information in TypeScript (and there won't be, see TypeScript Design Goals > Non goals, 5), so there is no way to get the type of an empty array. For a non-empty array all you can do is to check the type of its items, one by one.

I know this has been answered, but TypeScript introduced type guards: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#typeof-type-guards

If you have a type like: Object[] | string[] and what to do something conditionally based on what type it is - you can use this type guarding:

function isStringArray(value: any): value is string[] {
  if (value instanceof Array) {
    value.forEach(function(item) { // maybe only check first value?
      if (typeof item !== 'string') {
        return false
    return true
  return false

function join<T>(value: string[] | T[]) {
  if (isStringArray(value)) {
    return value.join(',') // value is string[] here
  } else {
    return value.map((x) => x.toString()).join(',') // value is T[] here

There is an issue with an empty array being typed as string[], but that might be okay

Try this:

if (value instanceof Array) {
alert('value is Array!');
} else {
alert('Not an array');

You can have do it easily using Array.prototype.some() as below.

const isStringArray = (test: any[]): boolean => {
 return Array.isArray(test) && !test.some((value) => typeof value !== 'string')
const myArray = ["A", "B", "C"]
console.log(isStringArray(myArray)) // will be log true if string array

I believe this approach is better that others. That is why I am posting this answer.

Update on Sebastian Vittersø's comment

Here you can use Array.prototype.every() as well.

const isStringArray = (test: any[]): boolean => {
 return Array.isArray(test) && test.every((value) => typeof value === 'string')