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Test Driven Development - What exactly is the test?



I've been learning what TDD is, and one question that comes to mind is what exactly is the "test". For example, do you call the webservice and then build the code to make it work? or is it more unit testing oriented?

like image 748
Faisal Abid Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 12:11

Faisal Abid

1 Answers

In general the test may be...

  • unit test which tests an individual subcomponent of your software without any external dependencies to other classes
  • integration test which are tests that test the connection between two separate systems, ie. their integration capability
  • acceptance test for validating the functionality of the system

...and some others I've most likely temporarily forgotten for now.

In TDD, however, you're mostly focusing on the unit tests when creating your software.

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Esko Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 01:12
