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Test data directory with jUnit

I'm writing some jUnit tests that depend on data files. Where should those data files go? And how would I (in the jUnit tests) get the location of that directory?

In Python, I would use something similar to:

datadir = os.dirname(__file__) + "/data/"
like image 797
David Wolever Avatar asked Mar 23 '09 18:03

David Wolever

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2 Answers

Kind of depends on what you're using the data files for, but in general, just create a package and make sure it's on your classpath. To load a properties file from the "data" package, add a "MyData.props" file and you can use load a properties file like:


Again, not exactly sure if this answers your question since I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do, but I hope it helps a little.

like image 61
Todd R Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Todd R

Keep your test data close to your test classes (same package). As todd.run suggested, use getResourceAsStream() to access your data files.

like image 40
trunkc Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
