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Terraform conditionals - if variable does not exist



I have the following condition:

resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_application" "service" {
  appversion_lifecycle {
    service_role          = "service-role"
    delete_source_from_s3 = "${var.env == "production" ?   false : true}"

If var.env is set to production, I get the result I want.

However if var.env is not defined, terraform plan will fail because the variable was never defined.
How can I get this to work, without ever having to define that variable?

like image 364
sebastian Avatar asked Nov 08 '18 02:11


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Terraform doesn't support if-statements, so this code won't work. However, you can accomplish the same thing by using the count parameter and taking advantage of two properties: If you set count to 1 on a resource, you get one copy of that resource; if you set count to 0, that resource is not created at all.

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You can use count block with Conditional Expressions (condition ? true_val : false_val) to create a resource based on variable value. description = "default condition value is true."

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Using the count meta-argument The count meta-argument is the simplest of the looping constructs within Terraform. By either directly assigning a whole number or using the length function on a list or map variable, Terraform creates this number of resources based on the resource block it is assigned to.

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As you (probably) know, Terraform doesn't support if statements.

2 Answers

Seems these days you can also use try to check if something is set.

try(var.env, false)

After that your code will work since var.env is now defined with the value false even if var.env was never defined somewhere.


like image 89
Erik-Jan Riemers Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Erik-Jan Riemers

if you are using Terraform 0.12 or later, you can assign the special value null to an argument to mark it as "unset".

variable "env" {
    type = "string"
    default = null

You can't just leave it blank, not with the current versions.

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Shiv Rajawat Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Shiv Rajawat