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Ternary operator on style with React Js Es 6

I am trying to add the following ternary operator to show my button if I am logged in and If I am not to hide it. The following below keeps throwing me an error.

<img src={this.state.photo} alt="" style="{isLoggedIn ? 'display:' : 'display:none'}"  /> 
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user992731 Avatar asked Dec 12 '16 00:12


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1 Answers

What you provide to style attribute should be an object. Since we write js code in jsx between curly braces, you ll insert an object there.

Remember, you need to camelCase all css props. ( font-size ==> fontSize )

<img    src={this.state.photo}    alt=""    style={ isLoggedIn ? { display:'block'} : {display : 'none'} }   /> 


<img   src={this.state.photo}    alt=""   style={ { display: isLoggedIn ? 'block' : 'none' } }   /> 
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FurkanO Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
