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Terminate istio sidecar istio-proxy for a kubernetes job / cronjob


We recently started using istio Istio to establish a service-mesh within out Kubernetes landscape.

We now have the problem that jobs and cronjobs do not terminate and keep running forever if we inject the istio istio-proxy sidecar container into them. The istio-proxy should be injected though to establish proper mTLS connections to the services the job needs to talk to and comply with our security regulations.

I also noticed the open issues within Istio (istio/issues/6324) and kubernetes (kubernetes/issues/25908), but both do not seem to provide a valid solution anytime soon.

At first a pre-stop hook seemed suitable to solve this issue, but there is some confusion about this conecpt itself: kubernetes/issues/55807

lifecycle:   preStop:     exec:       command:          ... 

Bottomline: Those hooks will not be executed if the the container successfully completed.

There are also some relatively new projects on GitHub trying to solve this with a dedicated controller (which I think is the most preferrable approach), but to our team they do not feel mature enough to put them right away into production:

  • k8s-controller-sidecars
  • K8S-job-sidecar-terminator

In the meantime, we ourselves ended up with the following workaround that execs into the sidecar and sends a SIGTERM signal, but only if the main container finished successfully:

apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata:   name: terminate-sidecar-example-service-account --- kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata:   name: terminate-sidecar-example-role rules:   - apiGroups: [""]     resources: ["pods"]     verbs: ["get","delete"]   - apiGroups: [""]     resources: ["pods/exec"]     verbs: ["create"] --- kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata:   name: terminate-sidecar-example-rolebinding subjects:   - kind: ServiceAccount     name: terminate-sidecar-example-service-account roleRef:   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io   kind: Role   name: terminate-sidecar-example-role --- apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata:   name: terminate-sidecar-example-cronjob   labels:     app: terminate-sidecar-example spec:   schedule: "30 2 * * *"   jobTemplate:     metadata:       labels:         app: terminate-sidecar-example     spec:       template:         metadata:           labels:             app: terminate-sidecar-example           annotations:             sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"         spec:           serviceAccountName: terminate-sidecar-example-service-account           containers:           - name: ****             image: ****             command:               - "/bin/ash"               - "-c"             args:               - node index.js && kubectl exec -n ${POD_NAMESPACE} ${POD_NAME} -c istio-proxy -- bash -c "sleep 5 && /bin/kill -s TERM 1 &"             env:               - name: POD_NAME                 valueFrom:                   fieldRef:                     fieldPath: metadata.name               - name: POD_NAMESPACE                 valueFrom:                   fieldRef:                     fieldPath: metadata.namespace 

So, the ultimate question to all of you is: Do you know of any better workaround, solution, controller, ... that would be less hacky / more suitable to terminate the istio-proxy container once the main container finished its work?

like image 726
croeck Avatar asked Feb 28 '19 08:02


People also ask

How do I disable Istio sidecar?

Disable automatic proxy sidecar injection Remove the istio-injection=enabled label from the default namespace by using the kubectl label as shown. The kubectl get namespace command confirms that the label is removed from the default namespace. Finally, delete the NGINX deployment.

How do I disable Istio in Kubernetes?

Uninstalling Istio from a cluster Shift traffic away from the Istio ingress gateway. Turn off sidecar auto-injection, if enabled. Restart application pods (for example using rolling restart) to remove the Envoy sidecars. Wait a few minutes for the Istio operator to delete any resources it installed.

How does Istio sidecar work?

An Istio service mesh is logically split into a data plane and a control plane. The data plane is composed of a set of intelligent proxies (Envoy ) deployed as sidecars. These proxies mediate and control all network communication between microservices. They also collect and report telemetry on all mesh traffic.

1 Answers

- command:   - /bin/sh   - -c   - |     until curl -fsI http://localhost:15021/healthz/ready; do echo \"Waiting for Sidecar...\"; sleep 3; done;     echo \"Sidecar available. Running the command...\";     <YOUR_COMMAND>;     x=$(echo $?); curl -fsI -X POST http://localhost:15020/quitquitquit && exit $x 

Update: sleep loop can be omitted if holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts is set to true (globally or as an annotation) starting with istio 1.7

like image 182
Dimitri Kuskov Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Dimitri Kuskov