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Temporarily disable / bypass Middleware

In my Application I implemented a OAuth2-Server (oauth2-server-laravel) in combination with a custom Authentication Package (Sentinel by Cartalyst).

In my routes.php:

Route::group(['before' => 'oauth'], function()
    // ... some routes here

So the request must provide an authorization header or the application quits with an OAuthException.

Now I want to unittest my controllers. So I have to seed my database with a OAuth session and access token for every test. Then overwrite the call()-method of TestCase and set the HTTP-Authorization Header with the Bearer Token.

Is there a way to disable or bypass middleware (in my case just for unit testing)?

In Laravel 4 they were called route filters and they were disabled in the testing environment anyway. You could also manually enable/disable them with Route::enableFilters().

like image 210
rookian Avatar asked Mar 31 '15 11:03


1 Answers

Apparently with the release of Laravel 5.1 yesterday a disableMiddleware() method was added to the TestCase class, which now does exactly what I wanted.

Problem solved. :)

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rookian Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10
