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TechNet or MSDN Subscription?

I'm just a one-man software shop, and I currently have an MSDN subscription. It is coming up for renewal soon, and it looks like it's going to cost a small fortune. I see that TechNet subscriptions cost significantly less money, and seem to include all of the same software. Am I missing something here? What is the difference between these 2 packages?

Update: The price of Visual Studio and a TechNet subscription is still less than the cost of an MSDN subscription.

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Jon Tackabury Avatar asked Oct 30 '08 18:10

Jon Tackabury

People also ask

What is the difference between MSDN and Visual Studio?

Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (formerly MSDN Subscriptions) allow development team members to install and use software to design, develop, test, evaluate, and demonstrate other software. Visual Studio software is not licensed for production environments. Visual Studio with MSDN are licensed on a per- user basis.

What is MSDN called now?

The Microsoft Developer Network, better known as MSDN, now called Visual Studio Subscriptions, is one of Microsoft's most misunderstood products. The Visual Studio Subscription (formerly MSDN) is one of the largest community platforms for developers working on Microsoft technologies.

Does Visual Studio Professional include MSDN?

Visual Studio Professional with MSDN is a subscription that provides access to both current and previous versions of core Microsoft platforms. This full subscription includes Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, Windows Azure utilization hours, e-learning courses, and much more.

Does MSDN subscription include Windows 10?

Windows 10 is now officially released to Windows users all over the globe in a worldwide roll out that has been happening over the last several hours.

2 Answers

If memory serves the TECHNET subscription is licenses for EVALUATION purposes, while the MSDN subscription is licenses for use as a Developer.

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Stephen Wrighton Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10

Stephen Wrighton

Does TechNet include Visual Studio?

I thought that was one of the big differences.

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Michael Burr Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

Michael Burr