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Teamviewer - Send Control Key to Mac from Windows

I'm TV'ing from a remote location to my mac to play around with XCode (on a windows pc). Within the interface builder, I'm trying to perform the control drag action. I tried pressing the ctrl button and dragging a view controller but nothing happens. If it's of any significant, I have send key combinations checked.

like image 357
rut0.wut Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 14:04


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Can I control a Mac from a PC with TeamViewer?

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1 Answers

As a workaround, instead of control dragging try control clicking on the object you wanted to drag from. The black pop up box that lists the object's outlets etc will appear, and from there you can left-click drag from the circles to wherever you want.

like image 92
Constantine Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10
