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Teaching Kids to Debug Code? [closed]




So there are a lot of posts around here about what are the best ways to teach kids to program. I'm interested in the next step, teaching kids how to debug code that doesn't do what they want, or doesn't always work 100% of the time (I believe these are separate problems, but that could be subjective).

I ask from the point of view of a game developer who already has a working game (ROBLOX) where kids can code up a ton of crazy stuff in our embedded scripting language, which happens to be Lua.

What we are seeing is that as these scripts become more complicated they are suffering from edge cases that the kids didn't consider - ultimately limiting the scope of what they can do. Part of the solution is education and part of the solution is better debugging tools. Thus I ask a two part question:

  1. What high quality, freely available sources of information exist on the internet that we can send aspiring script developers to with any expectation that they would get something valuable out of it? Maybe there aren't any and we need to write some?

  2. What debugging tools do you think would be most useful to kids? I want to hit the payoff vs. complexity sweet spot.

Our target demographic here is motivated kids, mostly 12-15 years old.

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John Shedletsky Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 00:12

John Shedletsky

People also ask

Can you teach a 6 year old to code?

Simply put: Yes! Children who explore technology and learn how to code get firsthand knowledge and coordination in using computers, but they'll also have a creative outlet and develop excellent problem-solving skills that can serve them well in other areas of their lives.

1 Answers

IMHO: Never mind tools. Talk them through it. Teach problem-solving skills. And just as importantly, teach testing.

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Karl Knechtel Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 21:12

Karl Knechtel