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Task.Factory.StartNew() Delay Under Mono / MonoTouch

Under Mono and MonoTouch, I am seeing an approx 500 millisecond delay between when I call:

StartNew(Action<object> action, object state, CancellationToken cancellationToken, 
    TaskCreationOptions creationOptions, TaskScheduler scheduler);

and when the worker code actually starts executing.

I created a test to show this:

public static class TestTaskFactory
    private class TaskInfo
        public int Number;

    private static int NUM_TASKS = 5;
    private static int NumFinished = 0;

    public static void Run()
        for (int n = 1; n <= NUM_TASKS; n++)
            Log("Starting task #" + n + " ...");
            var task_info = new TaskInfo { Number = n };
            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(Worker, task_info, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default);

        Log("Waiting for tasks to finish ...");
        while (NumFinished < NUM_TASKS)

        Log("All done");

    private static void Worker(object state)
        var task_info = (TaskInfo)state;
        Log("Task #" + task_info.Number + " running");

        // Do something

        // Done

    private static void Log(string msg)
        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm.ss.fff") + ": Thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": " + msg);

Output under Mono on Mac: Thread 1: Starting task #1 ... Thread 1: Starting task #2 ... Thread 1: Starting task #3 ... Thread 1: Starting task #4 ... Thread 1: Starting task #5 ... Thread 1: Waiting for tasks to finish ... Thread 5: Task #1 running Thread 6: Task #2 running <-- Approx 500 msec later Thread 7: Task #3 running <-- Approx 500 msec later Thread 8: Task #4 running <-- Approx 500 msec later Thread 9: Task #5 running <-- Approx 500 msec later Thread 1: All done

It is as if Mono wants to wait up to 500 msec to reuse an existing thread before spawing a new one. If I decrease the worker time below 500 msec, the delay decreases. For example, changing the worker Thread.Sleep(2000) to Thread.Sleep(50):

... Thread 5: Task #1 running Thread 5: Task #2 running <-- approx 50 msec later Thread 5: Task #3 running <-- approx 50 msec later Thread 5: Task #4 running <-- approx 50 msec later Thread 5: Task #5 running <-- approx 50 msec later

But under MS Framework 4.0, no large delay before worker code starts:

... Thread 9: Waiting for tasks to finish ... Thread 11: Task #1 running Thread 12: Task #3 running <-- little delay Thread 13: Task #4 running <-- little delay Thread 10: Task #2 running <-- little delay Thread 14: Task #5 running <-- little delay

Before I submit a bug report on Mono, I wanted to sanity check that I am not missing some tweak I need to make on Mono or using Task.Factory wrong. I am actually using a max concurrency scheduler in my real app.

So my question: is this a bug in Mono/MonoTouch?

Update: I've switched from using ThreadPool under Mono* to Ami Bar's Smart Thread Pool (github; Code Project article). GSerjo's Extended Thread Pool also looked nice, but had alot of dependencies that I was trying to avoid on mobile. I wrote up some of my simple testing at a Xamarim thread. I probably missed 100 other thread pool implementations, but I've been happy with SmartThreadPool so far. Use WINDOWS_PHONE mode to compile under MonoTouch.

like image 984
t9mike Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 22:11


1 Answers

So my question: is this a bug in Mono/MonoTouch?

Not necessarily. I suspect it's just the thread pool being unwilling to start more than one new thread every 500ms. Note that you're seeing the first task start up pretty much instantly. It's only after that that you're seeing a delay.

If you use more tasks on .NET 4.5, you'll see something similar, except with "chunks" of threads starting each second.

You may find that calling ThreadPool.SetMinThreads helps, assuming that's available in MonoTouch.

like image 51
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Jon Skeet