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Taskbar location



How can i detect where the taskbar is located? I need to know for displaying my notification in the right corner. Thanks

Edit: Thank you Hans Passant. I used that with this to get location. I hope is ok.


private void GetTaskbarLocation(Rectangle rc)
    if (rc.X == rc.Y)
        if (rc.Right < rc.Bottom)
            taskbarLocation = TaskbarLocation.Left;
        if (rc.Right > rc.Bottom)
            taskbarLocation = TaskbarLocation.Top;
    if (rc.X > rc.Y)
        taskbarLocation = TaskbarLocation.Right;
    if (rc.X < rc.Y)
        taskbarLocation = TaskbarLocation.Bottom;
like image 235
andySF Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 13:09


People also ask

Where do I find the taskbar on Windows 10?

The Windows 10 taskbar sits at the bottom of the screen giving the user access to the Start Menu, as well as the icons of frequently used applications.

1 Answers

    public static Rectangle GetTaskbarPosition() {
        var data = new APPBARDATA();
        data.cbSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data);
        IntPtr retval = SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, ref data);
        if (retval == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception("Please re-install Windows");
        return new Rectangle(data.rc.left, data.rc.top,
            data.rc.right - data.rc.left, data.rc.bottom - data.rc.top);


    // P/Invoke goo:
    private const int ABM_GETTASKBARPOS = 5;
    private static extern IntPtr SHAppBarMessage(int msg, ref APPBARDATA data);
    private struct APPBARDATA {
        public int cbSize;
        public IntPtr hWnd;
        public int uCallbackMessage;
        public int uEdge;
        public RECT rc;
        public IntPtr lParam;
    private struct RECT {
        public int left, top, right, bottom;
like image 140
Hans Passant Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Hans Passant