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Taking altitude into account when calculating geodesic distance

i´m currently dealing with gps data combined with precise altitude measurement. I want to calculate the distance between two consecuting points. There is a lot of information out there about calculating distance between two points using the WGS84 ellipsoid and so on.

however, i did not find any information that takes Altitude changes into account for this distance calculation.

does anyone know about some websites, papers, books etc. that describes such a method? thanks

edit: Sql Server 2008 geographic extensions also neglect altitude information when calculating distance.

like image 244
Joachim Kerschbaumer Avatar asked Jul 10 '09 11:07

Joachim Kerschbaumer

People also ask

How do you calculate geodesic distance?

The simplest way to calculate geodesic distance is to find the angle between the two points, and multiply this by the circumference of the earth. The formula is: angle = arccos(point1 * point2) distance = angle * pi * radius.

How do you find the distance between two latitude longitude and altitude?

You can calculate distance between flat coordinates in, say, meters by using geopy package or Vincenty's formula, pasting coordinates directly. Suppose the result is d meters. Then the total distance travelled is sqrt(d**2 + h**2) where h is the change in elevation in meters. Save this answer.

How do you calculate distance using latitude?

Calculating the distance between latitude lines is easy because this distance never varies. If you treat the Earth as a sphere with a circumference of 25,000 miles, then one degree of latitude is 25,000/360 = 69.44 miles.

How do you find the height with distance?

B (distance) = A (height) /tan ( e ) Therefore, to calculate B (distance) we need to know the value of A (height) and angle e. (tan is a trigonometric function which you should be able to find on a decent calculator, just make sure you are calculating using degrees not radians).

1 Answers

I implemented a WGS84 distance function using the average of the start and end altitude as the constant altitude. If you are certain that there will be relatively little altitude variation along your path this works acceptably well (error is relative to the altitude difference of your two LLA points).

Here's my code (C#):

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the geodesic distance between two pathpoints in the current mode's coordinate system
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="point1">First point</param>
    /// <param name="point2">Second point</param>
    /// <param name="mode">Coordinate mode that both points are in</param>
    /// <returns>Distance between the two points in the current coordinate mode</returns>
    public static double GetGeodesicDistance(PathPoint point1, PathPoint point2, CoordMode mode) {
        // calculate proper geodesics for LLA paths
        if (mode == CoordMode.LLA) {
            // meeus approximation
            double f = (point1.Y + point2.Y) / 2 * LatLonAltTransformer.DEGTORAD;
            double g = (point1.Y - point2.Y) / 2 * LatLonAltTransformer.DEGTORAD;
            double l = (point1.X - point2.X) / 2 * LatLonAltTransformer.DEGTORAD;

            double sinG = Math.Sin(g);
            double sinL = Math.Sin(l);
            double sinF = Math.Sin(f);

            double s, c, w, r, d, h1, h2;
            // not perfect but use the average altitude
            double a = (LatLonAltTransformer.A + point1.Z + LatLonAltTransformer.A + point2.Z) / 2.0;

            sinG *= sinG;
            sinL *= sinL;
            sinF *= sinF;

            s = sinG * (1 - sinL) + (1 - sinF) * sinL;
            c = (1 - sinG) * (1 - sinL) + sinF * sinL;

            w = Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(s / c));
            r = Math.Sqrt(s * c) / w;
            d = 2 * w * a;
            h1 = (3 * r - 1) / 2 / c;
            h2 = (3 * r + 1) / 2 / s;

            return d * (1 + (1 / LatLonAltTransformer.RF) * (h1 * sinF * (1 - sinG) - h2 * (1 - sinF) * sinG));

        PathPoint diff = new PathPoint(point2.X - point1.X, point2.Y - point1.Y, point2.Z - point1.Z, 0);
        return Math.Sqrt(diff.X * diff.X + diff.Y * diff.Y + diff.Z * diff.Z);

In practice we've found that the altitude difference rarely makes a large difference, our paths are typically 1-2km long with altitude varying on the order of 100m and we see about ~5m change on average versus using the WGS84 ellipsoid unmodified.


To add to this, if you do expect large altitude changes, you can convert your WGS84 coordinates to ECEF (earth centered earth fixed) and evaluate straight-line paths as shown at the bottom of my function. Converting a point to ECEF is simple to do:

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a point in the format (Lon, Lat, Alt) to ECEF
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="point">Point as (Lon, Lat, Alt)</param>
    /// <returns>Point in ECEF</returns>
    public static PathPoint WGS84ToECEF(PathPoint point) {
        PathPoint outPoint = new PathPoint(0);

        double lat = point.Y * DEGTORAD;
        double lon = point.X * DEGTORAD;
        double e2 = 1.0 / RF * (2.0 - 1.0 / RF);
        double sinLat = Math.Sin(lat), cosLat = Math.Cos(lat);

        double chi = A / Math.Sqrt(1 - e2 * sinLat * sinLat);
        outPoint.X = (chi + point.Z) * cosLat * Math.Cos(lon);
        outPoint.Y = (chi + point.Z) * cosLat * Math.Sin(lon);
        outPoint.Z = (chi * (1 - e2) + point.Z) * sinLat;

        return outPoint;

Edit 2:

I was asked about some of the other variables in my code:

// RF is the eccentricity of the WGS84 ellipsoid
public const double RF = 298.257223563;

// A is the radius of the earth in meters
public const double A = 6378137.0;

LatLonAltTransformer is a class I used to convert from LatLonAlt coordinates to ECEF coordinates and defines the constants above.

like image 97
Ron Warholic Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 01:09

Ron Warholic