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Take screenshot of the options in dropdown in selenium c#

I'd like to capture the screenshot of the options that are displayed in the dropdown using selenium c# just like the image that is displayed below.

enter image description here

I've tried multiple ways to take the screenshot. Basically I've to expand the dropdown of the element to capture the screenshot. Here is what I've done

var element = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("carsId"));
Actions builder = new Actions(Driver);
builder.SendKeys(element, Keys.LeftAlt + Keys.Down).Build().Perform();

Actions act = new Actions(Driver);

The first implementation to press Alt + Down keys worked manually when I've done on the site but didn't work through selenium. The second implementation didn't work either. I've also tried builder.ClickAndHold() method as well.

And I've another question over here. Is it really possible for selenium to click and expand for a while until to grab the screen?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 288
Karthik Chintala Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 04:11

Karthik Chintala

People also ask

How can you take screenshot of a particular element in Selenium?

To capture screenshots in Selenium, one has to utilize the method TakesScreenshot. This notifies WebDriver that it should take a screenshot in Selenium and store it. OutputType defines the output type for the required screenshot in the above snippet.

How do you capture the screenshot of a specific element rather than entire page using Selenium WebDriver?

We can capture screenshots of a particular element in Selenium 4.0 with the help of getScreenshotAs(OutputType. File) method where the OutputType tells about the output type of the screenshot.

What is the return type of getOptions () method in Dropdowns?

We can extract all the options in a dropdown in Selenium with the help of Select class which has the getOptions() method. This retrieves all the options on a Select tag and returns a list of web elements. This method does not accept any arguments.

1 Answers

I don't think it'll be possible for normal drop downs. Since the overlay with the options you can choose from are displayed inside a native control and outside of the context of what selenium can work with. For this, you'll need some separate process or tool that can capture the screenshot of the desktop or application it self.


Now, to capture the screenshot of desktop/application, we use Robot objects in Java.

For C#, you can use methods suggested in Capture screenshot of active window?.

Robot Sample Code:

try {

    //Get the size of the screen stored in toolkit object
    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();

    //Create Rectangle object using height and width of screen
    //Here entire screen is captured, change it if you need particular area
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, d.width, d.height);  

    //Creates an image containing pixels read from the screen 
    Robot r = new Robot();
    BufferedImage img = r.createScreenCapture(rect);

    //Write the above generated buffered image to a file
    File f = new File("myimage.jpg");

    //Convert BufferedImage to a png/jpg image
    ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", f);

} catch (Exception e) {

This will take the screenshot of the entire screen and save it into the file on given file location.

Selenium can only take screenshot of options in custom dropdowns made using Javascript/CSS and not in select dropdown.

Let me know if above code works or you need more help.

like image 164
Manu Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
