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Take iOS Simulator screenshots including device frame?




I want to take screenshots of my iOS apps running from Xcode in the iPhone Simulator and iPad Simulator.

However, when I take screenshots, only the screen is captured. The device frame (which is shown on my desktop surrounding the iOS Simulator window) is not included in the screenshot.

How can I take screenshots of Xcode's iOS Simulator app and include the bounding hardware device frame?

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Kieran Avatar asked Nov 12 '12 11:11


People also ask

How do I take a screenshot in iOS simulator?

To capture a screen shot, click on 'Camera' icon/action button, on the top bar of simulator. Select Save Screen Shot menu item, from File menu. Use ⌘ + S to capture a screen shot.

Where do iOS simulator screenshots go?

If you take a screenshot from within your app running on the simulator, and then save it to photos app on that simulator, then it is stored in some library folder of that specific Simulator.

How do I change iOS screenshot settings?

On the “Touch Settings” screen, scroll down until you see the “Back Tap” option, then tap it. In “Back Tap” settings, you have a choice of assigning the screenshot action to either two taps (“Double Tap”) or three taps (“Triple Tap”) on the back of the case.

How do you inspect iPhone simulator?

You'll need to go to Settings > Advanced and check the Show Debug Menu option. Then you'll see the option to open the web inspector for the Simulator right from that menu. With the Web Inspector open, you can debug inside the Simulator just like you could right in a desktop browser with DevTools.

1 Answers

Launch the app in simulator. Then Press Cmd+Shift+4 followed by space and then click on the simulator to take the screenshot with the simulator frame.

if you hold the Option key while you shoot the image, it will save the screenshot without shadows around the beze

like image 103
Sapan Diwakar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09

Sapan Diwakar