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Tagging people in a Facebook Post?

If you press @ when typing a status on facebook.com, you can type a friends' name and have him tagged in your facebook status.

How can friends be tagged when making a wall post using facebook connect?

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Ali Avatar asked Jan 21 '23 02:01


1 Answers

There is currently no way to tag another user or page via the API as a user can. Interestingly, when you query the API for a tagged post you can see a syntax that indicates a user is tagged, but using that syntax and posting to the API doesn't result in a tag.

I think this is done to prevent applications from gaming users' notifications: if you could make a post and tag a bunch of people programmatically, you'd in effect be spamming those users with notifications.

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Jimmy Sawczuk Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 21:01

Jimmy Sawczuk