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New posts in zend-form

Zend Framework Nested Checkboxes

Zend_Form & Pagination

Why this zend example stops working when I add a hash to the form

Creating a form view in Zend

Zend_Form_Element_File returns false on validation when not required

ZF2: How to set form elements to be ignored?

zend-framework2 zend-form

Zend Form Validator File Upload goes invalid

Zend Framework 2 forms, did they eliminated the decorator pattern?

Zend_Form : data table with checkboxes

zend-framework zend-form

Set a single error message for a Email field in Zend

How to add Captcha in Zend Form?

What is the regular expression for International phone number validation in php or zend?

Zend_Form array notation and empty elements names

zend-form select optgroup, how to specify id

zend-framework zend-form

Zend Framework 2 RC3 Zend\Form#getData()

Change Fieldset Fields' required parameter dynamically

Zend Form addFilter StripTags not stripping tags

How does one add a 'plain text node' to a zend form?

Zend Framework - Set 'selected' value in select box dropdown list

Zend Form: How to set the length of a text input or textarea element?
