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New posts in youtube-javascript-api

Getting current time of embedded iframe youtube player?

Youtube iframe player won't show videos in android 4.x WebView

youtube javascript API detect fullscreen exit on iOS devices

capturing thumbnail image at specific timeframe from youtube link

How to get access token via Google JavaScript oauth2 API

Show a custom picture before a youtube video starts

Protecting YouTube v3 API key in a client-side application

android webview youtube embed video autoplay not working

javascript / youtube api - variable YT is not defined

Uploading file with JavaScript Youtube API - MediaUploader is not defined

Programmatically force a UIWebView to go to full screen mode

Uploading a video to youtube from browser

Check if YouTube video is live or uploaded

How can I write a frame of an embedded YouTube video (via iframe) to a canvas?

YouTube API - Loop video between set start and end times

Adding additional parameters to the yt.player object from youtube

Youtube player JS API seekTo function not working

Youtube Data API V3 Javascript - Upload audio and image as video