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New posts in x509certificate2

Use X509Certificate2 to sign and validate ECDSA-SHA256 signatures

Where is the X509Store that, allegedly, implements IDisposable in .NET 4.5?

Exception on attempt to create not self-signed certificate

Custom HttpClientHandler using FlurlClient doesn't use ClientCertificate

Creating X509Certificate2 from ECC X509Certificate throws 'System.NotSupportedException' in C#

Adding a Digital signature to a PDF with iTextSharp

Would it be okay to instantiate X509Certificate2 object in one thread and then use it in multiple threads for WCF calls?

c# .net x509certificate2

X509Certificate2 p12 is store required?

.NET Core 2.2, Azure Web API new X509Certificate2 "The system cannot find the file specified" and "access denied"

What is the implication of not using X509Store.Close method?

How can I encrypt, decrypt and sign using .pfx certificate?

Given two certificates, how can I verify that one was signed with the other's private key?

Add a generated certificate to the store and update an IIS site binding

Create and verify x509 certificates in .Net

X509Certificate2.Verify() method, validating against revocation list and performance implications of it

How to Decrypt EncryptedAssertion using System.Cryptography

How to read Pkcs#7 certificate chain from file/stream in C#?

c# x509certificate2 pkcs#7

OpenSSL verify certificate from own CA

Clean my MachineKeys folder by removing multiple RSA files without touching IIS ones

iis rsa x509certificate2

How to create a minimal dummy X509Certificate2?