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New posts in webcam

Kinect as a webcam with MS SDK

camera driver webcam kinect

OpenCV face detection is slow on Raspberry Pi

Get webcam stream on Mac Os X in Java [closed]

java macos webcam isight

Why I can't take image snapshot with client-side camera in Django web application?

C++ OpenCV 2.4.11: List all cameras

Programming webcam on Linux

linux webcam

Is there a way to control a webcam focus in pygame?

python webcam pygame

Windows + Qt and how to capture webcam feed without OpenCV

windows qt webcam

Capture video using webcam in Java

How to stream webcam to server and manipulate the stream

Flash - recording from user's webcam

apache-flex flash flv webcam

Accessing iSight programmatically?

How to read input from a webcam in C++?

c++ video stream webcam

Laser light detection with OpenCV and C++

Capturing frames from webcam using DirectShow.NET

c# .net webcam directshow.net

Auto allow webcam access using Puppeteer for Node.js

Get unique serial number of USB device mounted to /dev folder

Query maximum webcam resolution in OpenCV

c++ opencv webcam resolution