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New posts in v8

Why does using toString() on a float give different results in Firefox vs Chrome vs IE?

Does a Javascript closure retain the entire parent lexical environment or only the subset of values the closure references? [duplicate]

javascript node.js v8

'GetContents' in 'v8::ArrayBuffer'

NodeJs VM - save compiled code... to disk?

node.js v8

Implementing inheritance in node.js bindings

Correct way to create a V8::Persistent<Object> from a V8::Handle<Object>

v8 embedded-v8

Accessing USB devices from node-webkit?

Is there any JIT pre-caching support in NodeJS?

node.js v8

javascript multidimensional object

javascript v8

Why does Boolean::New() return a Handle<> while other primitives return Local<>?

Add a function template to a global object prototype in v8

javascript c++ v8

Node.js virtual memory increases constantly while using child process

Is the Function() constructor not optimized by V8, like eval?

javascript optimization v8

Call webassembly from embedded v8 without JS

c++ v8 webassembly

What are the differences between Firefox's Javascript engine and Chrome's V8?

PyV8, can I manipulate DOM structure?

python v8

v8::FunctionTemplate referencing a non-global variable

v8 embedded-v8

Compiling V8 without networking, etc

javascript c++ v8

What is the design rationale behind HandleScope?


What are node.js bindings?

node.js v8 libuv