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New posts in underscore.js

Dynamic nested for loops to be solved with recursion

Convert object to an array with underscore

How to use Lodash to compare and find difference for two complex objects?

Does lodash's filter function take a context?

Should Backbone.js grab GET parameters from URL?

Why do you need to pass in arguments to a self executing function in javascript if the variable is global?

Underscore functional javascript

_.chain - underscore JS

javascript underscore.js

Underscore: Array of objects to flat object. What's the magic?

Merge 2 arrays of objects with different keys with lodash

Getting average of every item of multiple arrays into one array

Lazy range iteration in javascript using underscore

javascript underscore.js

Underscore.js templates in backbone.js adding a div around a tr

backbone.js underscore.js

negative object length possible in JavaScript or underscore.js? meaning?

javascript underscore.js

Get DOM element from template in backbone view

Elegant way to add property to each element in an array

lodash.js partial application on function.apply

difference of two arrays with 10 million items - _.difference is too slow

underscore.js - Determine if all values in an array of arrays match

javascript underscore.js

IE 11 smooth scrolling not firing intermediate scroll events