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New posts in underscore.js

JavaScript template (underscore)

Underscore Create array of objects from object elements

javascript underscore.js

Better to install underscore via NPM or Bower?

Do underscore.js functions, such as _.findWhere(), return results synchronously?

javascript underscore.js

Javascript Sum array of object values

Get some set of array based on condition from two arrays of array in Javascript

backbone.js: understanding browser event handling and view removing

backbone.js - events only firing once

Adding ID and Class on template dynamically using backbone views

How to select properties from an object in Javascript

javascript underscore.js

Combine $ and _ to pluck by data values?

Backbone.js bind this to setInterval

Backbone: throttle a collection filter event on a View

Using underscore js reduce

How to solve a conflict between browserify (Backbone based app) and require.js on the same page?

Lodash check whether an array is array of object?

JavaScript : Make an array of value pairs form an array of values

Sorted Map Implementation

How do I union/merge two Collections by their 'id' using UnderscoreJS

Remove value from array in Underscore

javascript underscore.js