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std::tr1::mem_fn return type

c++ std tr1

Does std::function's copy-constructor require the template type's argument types to be complete types?

c++ boost c++11 tr1

Is it worth using std::tr1 in production?

Reversing strings in a vector using for_each and bind

c++ stl vector tr1 stl-algorithm

R-value inserts don't work for unordered_map

c++ c++11 tr1

Is there a match_partial in C++11 Regular Expressions?

c++ regex boost c++11 tr1

OS-X support for std::tr1

c++ macos c++11 tr1

C++ <map> vs <unordered_map> vs <tr1/unordered_map> vs <ext/unordered_map>

c++ c++11 tr1 unordered-map

Why some include files only reside in tr1?

c++ c++11 clang tr1 libc++

On the initialization of std::array [duplicate]

c++ c++11 tr1

How to use tr1 with Visual Studio 2010 (tr1::function)?

Using C++ classes like function that may be defined in several different locations

c++ c++11 tr1

Comparing std::function<>

c++ c++11 tr1

Can tr1::function swallow return values?

c++ c++11 tr1 boost-function

C++ TR1: how to use the normal_distribution?

c++ tr1 normal-distribution

returning a 'pointer' which is required to be held by a smart pointer

c++ boost tr1

What will happen to namespace tr1 when c++ xx is approved?

c++ tr1

How to handle evolving c++ std:: namespace? e.g.: std::tr1::shared_ptr vs. std::shared_ptr vs. boost::shared_ptr vs. boost::tr1::shared_ptr

c++ boost portability std tr1

Using TR1 libraries in GCC and MSVC

c++ visual-c++ gcc tr1

some practical uses of mem_fn & bind

c++ stdbind tr1 mem-fun