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How to have sysdate result remoted across database link?

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How to tell Hibernate annotation @Column to be case-sensitive?

How to connect Sybase database using Java code in NetBeans?

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What is the best way to connect to a sybase database from python?

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SQL Get Delimited Results for All Columns

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Sybase: How to get the current date in mm/dd/yyyy format?

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hibernate SELECT causes UPDATE

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Sybase ASE connect by level equivalent

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How can I manipulate a Sybase datetime string in Perl?

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Sybase TEXT vs Oracle CLOB performance

How do I update multiple columns with a subquery in a single statement?

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Null resultsets when calling Sybase stored procedure through JDBC

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How to get the name of the primary-key from a query

sybase sap-ase

Sybase replace function

sybase sap-ase

eclipse generating entity classes from database is not pulling associations

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SQL - Returning distinct row for data with Max created timestamp value

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Turning IDENTITY_INSERT ON on a table to load it with DB Unit

Sybase/ALTER TABLE: how to turn an existing column from non-nullable to nullable?

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INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect setting only in Perl Sybase

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Get records from last hour

sql sybase sybase-asa