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could not instantiate QueryTranslatorFactory: org.hibernate.hql.internal.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory

java swing hibernate netbeans

How do I put a scrollPane on a BoxLayout?

JList adding and removing items (Netbeans)

Java Web Start and Security

java swing java-web-start

unable to set column width after jtable becomes visible

Adding shapes to JPanel on a button click

java swing paint

Scala NoClassDefFoundError related to Swing

Why JFrame redefine the "EXIT_ON_CLOSE" which it inherits from interface "WindowConstants"?

Updating Jlist dynamically

java swing jlist

Java Swing modular color scheme

System tray text instead of icon

java swing awt

Swing - Dispose a frame [duplicate]

java swing jframe

Catch empty String. Which exception to use?

java swing exception

GUI: setSize() method of second window does not work

Why doesn't my Jpanel borderlayout work as expected?

Copy JTextArea as "text/html" DataFlavor

How to restore the default stroke in the BasicStroke class?

java swing graphics graphics2d

JTextArea Rounded Corners

One Event Handler for multiple JButtons

JComboBox showing blank items in Java

java swing list jcombobox