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New posts in sql-server-2005

Rename SQL Server Express to (.) [duplicate]

Rollback transaction to savepoint on failing ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT

c# sql-server-2005

Is it possible to force SQL Server to use the plan I want to optimise recursive cte query

Replace null values in right outer join with a previous not null matched row

sql sql-server-2005

Alternative to using IList.Contains(item.Id) in Entity Framework for large lists?

Passing a date parameter to an in-line Table-Valued-Function is sloooww

WHERE clause returning incorrect records

Table containing TEXT column growing continuously

How can I avoid "Warning: String or Binary data would be truncated" in an SQL job giving me a failure

Determine Time Zone Offset in T-SQL

Query SQl Server 2005 Full Text Search noise/stop words

Full-text search across concatenated columns?

Using SQL Profiler to create a trace file over several days

T-SQL: Omit/Ignore repetitive data from a specific column

sql sql-server-2005 tsql

How do I get the entity framework to work with archive flags?

How to fix incorrect syntax near 'LOGIN' in SQL Server 2005

sql sql-server-2005 tsql

Roles of parentheses in SQL Server SELECT queries?

SQL Queue to get workload in 2 weeks [SQL Server]

Can SQL Server send a web request?