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New posts in spring-security

Mock Custom User in Spring Security Test

How to implement JWT based authentication and authorization in Spring Security

Spring security oauth2 fails issuer validation after 30 seconds

Bootstrap not working when using Spring Security

antMatchers for a list of paths

spring spring-security

Spring Security - POST method for antMatcher (not antMatchers)

Multiple Access token with one refresh token

Spring Boot - set default HTTP Oauth2Login() registration/provider

Replacement for UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository

Why am I not getting Spring Security Login Error Messages?

Spring 3.0 security not working with annotation based controllers

the role and permission in spring security 3


Spring 3, Spring Security. Extract authenticated User object


Username Password Authentication in Spring Security

java spring spring-security

Spring doesn't see @Transactional when global-method-security namespace is added

CAS + SSLHandshakeException + ValidatorException + PKIX path building failed + unable to find valid certification path to requested target

How to include SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME in authentication failure url?

Spring Security with CAS skips session fixation protection

java spring-security cas

Spring Security oauth2, why does my auth/token authenticates CLIENT but returns 404?

How to perform RunAs using method security with Spring MVC 3.2 and Spring Security 3.1