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New posts in spring-scheduled

Is there way to use @Scheduled together with Duration string like 15s and 5m?

Spring's @Scheduled cron job is triggering a few milliseconds before the scheduled time

Is it possible to assign @Scheduled with a period representing "never" (in Spring)?

How can I use an OAuth2RestTemplate in a scheduled task?

spring-boot @scheduled not running in different threads?

How to dynamically turn on/off a scheduled method in a springboot application

How to get next run time Spring Scheduling?

spring scheduled task run every second with cron(0 0/10 * * * ? )

cron spring-scheduled

No qualifying bean of type ScheduledExecutorService | TaskScheduler

Schedule a task with Cron which allows dynamic update

Is it possible to call a spring scheduled method manually

How to change cron expression of spring scheduler from properties file without restarting tomcat server?

Spring4 @Scheduled @Transaction throws no transaction is in progress at flush for mutliple dataSources

Universal exception handler for @Scheduled tasks in Spring (Boot) with Java configuration

cron expression parsing into java date

stop Spring Scheduled execution if it hangs after some fixed time

Exception handling for Spring 3.2 "@Scheduled" annotation

Difference between Quartz Job and Scheduling Tasks with Spring?

Disable @Schedule on Spring Boot IntegrationTest

Injecting externalized value into Spring annotation