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New posts in spring-data-redis

Specify which logical database to use with spring-data-redis

Spring boot 2.1.3.RELEASE An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

How to create a second RedisTemplate instance in a Spring Boot application

Disable Redis AutoConfig in spring boot when testing

How to use Spring Session + Spring security xml configuration and multiply security filter

Docker Swarm Redis and Sentinel with master - slave replication IP resolution client failure

Is it possible to use RedisRepositories and KeyValueRepositories?

Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.context.PropertyPlaceholderAutoConfiguration

Redis Serialization and Deserialization

Are spring-data-redis connections not properly released when transaction support is enabled?

How to connect Redis with sentinels in docker?

how to configure redis ttl with spring boot 2.0

SpringData Redis Repository with complex key

Spring Data RedisTemplate, ttl is not working when setting a value

redis spring-data-redis

Unable to get result from the Redis using Crud Repository in Spring Boot?

How can I migrate a RedisCacheManager with default expiration to Spring Data Redis 2.0?

Springboot fail to start if Redis is down