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New posts in speech-synthesis

C# Speech Recognition

Why can't I control the Apple macOS Speech Synthesis audio unit with slider values?

Adding a new Language to SpeechSynthesizer

c# .net speech-synthesis

what text to speech and speech recognition libraries are available for Clojure?

JS Speech Synthesis Issue on iOS

Setting language for TTS programmatically?

How to change voice in Speech Synthesis?

TTS to Stream with SpeechAudioFormatInfo using SpeechSynthesizer

Memory leak in .Net Speech.Synthesizer?

Speech Synthesis API Highlight words as they are spoken

Can't Chrome's speechSynthesis work offline?

Why is my Speech Synthesis API voice changing when function run more than 1 time?

Stupid idea: Mac speech from PHP server?

php macos speech-synthesis

Speech gets cut off in firefox when page is auto-refreshed but not in google chrome

How do I add a voice / language to speechSynthesis?

Record HTML5 SpeechSynthesisUtterance generated speech to file

High quality, emotional, fluent and variable Text-to-Speech engine?